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Contra Costa County Office of Education

Welcome to the Foster Youth Services Coordinating Program (FYSCP)
At FYSCP, our mission is to bridge the educational gap for foster youth and ensure every student has the tools and support they need to thrive in school and beyond. We collaborate with schools, caregivers, child welfare agencies, probation, and community organizations to provide the best outcomes for foster youth.

What We Do

FYSCP is dedicated to supporting foster youth by:
  • Advocating for Services: Attending school-based meetings to ensure students receive the right resources and support.
  • Ensuring Accurate School Records: Helping schools obtain and transfer educational records quickly to minimize disruption in learning.
  • Increasing Placement Stability: Working to reduce the number of school changes foster youth experience.
  • Building Strong Partnerships: Strengthening collaboration with educators, caregivers, child welfare professionals, and community organizations.
  • Coordinating Key Services: Providing access to case management, tutoring, work-based learning, connections to employers, and other essential services through our Workforce Program (link the “WP” page to the word).

Your Rights and Resources

As a foster youth, caregiver, or educator, it’s important to understand the rights and resources available:
For Foster Youth:
  • Educational Stability: You have the right to stay in your school of origin, even if your living situation changes, whenever it’s in your best interest.
  • School Enrollment: Immediate enrollment in school is guaranteed, even without typical documents like immunization records.
  • Support for Success: You are eligible for academic and emotional support services like tutoring, counseling, and access to post-secondary planning.
For Caregivers:
  • Work closely with the school to ensure your child’s educational needs are met.
  • Request help for special education services or other supports your child may need.
  • Advocate for your child’s right to remain in their school of origin when it’s best for them.
For Educators:
  • Be aware of the unique challenges foster youth face, including frequent school changes and trauma.
  • Collaborate with FYSCP to provide a supportive, stable learning environment.
  • Ensure that foster youth have access to programs like special education, tutoring, and extracurricular activities.

How We Help

The Foster Youth Services Coordinating Program (FYSCP) was established under AB 854 in 2015, transitioning from a direct service model to one focused on collaboration with county and local educational agencies (LEAs). The program's primary goal is to increase the education community's capacity to expand access to services and support LEAs in providing direct services for foster youth, ultimately aiming to improve educational outcomes.
FYSCP also plays a vital role in supporting LEAs, particularly the AB 490 Educational Liaisons who ensure the education rights and entitlements of foster youth. This includes establishing clear lines of communication, providing ongoing training, and equipping LEAs with additional resources.
FYSCP provides:
  • School Advocacy: Supporting foster youth during Individualized Education Program (IEP) meetings, 504 Plan meetings, and other school-based interventions.
  • Tutoring: Coordinating academic and social support programs to help students succeed.
  • Vocational Training: Connecting youth with career training and skills for independence.
  • Collaboration with LEAs: Partnering with local educational agencies to ensure foster youth receive necessary services and support.
  • Capacity Building: Expanding the education community’s ability to meet the unique needs of foster youth through training, resources, and technical assistance.
  • Improving Outcomes: Focusing on measurable improvements in academic achievement, graduation rates, and post-secondary success for foster youth.

Learn More

Explore additional resources and information:
We are committed to making a positive impact on the lives of foster youth. Let’s work together to help them achieve their goals and dreams!

Charter School Liaisons List

Charter School Liaisons List
Foster Care/McKinney-Vento Collaborative

Foster Care/McKinney-Vento Collaborative

Youth Services facilitates the Foster Youth Services/Homeless Education Collaborative, a quarterly meeting for districts and service providers, to coordinate services and provide support to the Foster Youth and McKinney-Vento District Education Liaisons, foster and homeless students and their families.
Date/Time Location
August 28, 2024  10:00 am-12:00 pm  COE Board Room 
October 21, 2024 10:00 am-12:00 pm  Zoom
January 22, 2025 10:00 am-12:00 pm  COE Board Room
March 17, 2025    10:00 am-12:00 pm Zoom

Foster Care/McKinney-Vento Collaborative Meeting Resources



 Director, Youth Services Alejandra Chamberlain (925) 942-3417
 Education Liaison II Yvonne Beals (925) 421-1922
 Administrative Assistant II Hillary Reid (925) 942-3311