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Contra Costa County Office of Education

Students are considered for the Golden Gate Community School when referred by their home district for one or more of the reasons below:
  1. District students whose needs have been reviewed by the District School Attendance Review Board (SARB), or whose parents have requested attendance in the Golden Gate Community School.
  2. Expelled students who may no longer attend district schools.
  3. District students who have been recommended by the Probation Department as informal probationers will be carried as an at risk student if agreed to by all parties.
Since each student previously attended a local district school program, Golden Gate Community School program seeks to transition the students back to an appropriate educational setting upon completion of their contractual requirements. Transition meetings happen twice a school year, prior to Winter Break and before the end of the school year. The Community School program is student-centered and adapted to meet the student's individual needs.


To start the enrollment process, a referral form from the home district, along with transcripts, immunizations, any Special Education documentation (IEP or 504), and the expulsion terms should be faxed or mailed to the Golden Gate Community School Office. 

Once the referral form and any supporting documentation is submitted, the information is shared and reviewed by School Administration and the Special Education staff to ensure the student can be accommodated at our sites. Once the determination is made a school representative will call and schedule an enrollment meeting with the parent/guardian, student, and perspective teacher. 

If the student is referred for our Independent Studies Program one of the Independent Studies teacher will make contact to schedule a meeting. Please note, it is imperative that both parent/guardian and student attend enrollment meeting. Enrollment meetings are about 30 minutes long, but, if necessary, can exceed that time. 

For more information, call the Golden Gate Community School Office at (925) 427-3199, ext. 5001.