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Contra Costa County Office of Education

Campus Profile

Campus Profile

Mt. McKinley School is part of the Contra Costa County Office of Education (CCCOE) that provides educational services to students across the county. Mt. McKinley is within Juvenile Hall in Martinez. Mt. McKinley serves students who are considered “at risk” and are either incarcerated or in some phase of the judicial process. Students come from the 18 school districts within Contra Costa County.
Mt. McKinley School also offers the educational program for two placement units run by Contra Costa Probation. The Girls in Motion Program (GIM) and the Briones Youth Academy (BYA) are placement programs in which the residents are sentenced by the court for up to nine months. In these programs students can earn their credits for a high school diploma, as well as receive guidance and treatment by the Probation staff.


Mt. McKinley School, Martinez Campus is comprised of five classrooms on the living units with four additional classrooms dedicated to intervention and enrichment for students. There are seven certificated classroom teachers, one certificated special education teacher, one court transition specialists, and five classified special education instructional assistants. There is one certificated psychologist.
Our office staff includes one school administrative assistant and one student information system specialist. There is one principal that manages administrative duties for Mt. McKinley. 
Instructional Program

Instructional Program

Mt. McKinley School is a Western Association of Schools and Colleges (WASC) accredited program.
Mt. McKinley School students have an average instructional day of at least 260 minutes and every Wednesday is a minimum day to allow teacher training and collaboration. The focus of the Mt. McKinley School is to provide curricular and academic opportunities, while modifying behavior with the ultimate goal being successful transition to the students' next educational placement.
Students in the school take grade appropriate academic courses. Those in high school work on earning the high school credits each individual student needs to graduate. The program follows the state curriculum adoption timelines and frameworks so that there is always a continuous focus on curriculum development.
Academic classes include: 
  • English/Language Arts
  • Social Sciences
  • Health/Physical Education
  • Science
  • Math
  • Computer Applications
  • Residential/Commercial Construction
In addition, Mt. McKinley School offers:
  • Reading and Math Intervention
  • Enrichment via outside programs - Public Health Pathways, World of Works and Diablo Ballet
  • Technology lab and classroom computers
  • Transcript collection and evaluation
  • Transition Services
  • Assessment Center
  • HiSET (high school proficiency) testing for those who qualify
  • Access to the Contra Costa County on-site library
  • Access to horticulture classes, Community College assistance, construction trade classes, and computer/coding classes for high school graduates or near-graduates through collaboration with Contra Costa Community College District
  • Independent study college classes through Coastline College
Special Education and Intervention Services

Special Education and Intervention Services

Special Education services are offered in an Instructional Support Program model. Identified students are served in their classrooms by special education staff in a push-in model or are pulled out into a learning center.
In addition, there is a student study team process to explore and problem solve in order to help students who are experiencing difficulties or who have been referred for special education services.
In our attempt to meet the needs of all learners, our program has adopted a Reading Intervention Program (Reading Horizons) for low-level readers. Students referred for the Reading Horizons program receive assistance on their word attack skills in a small group setting.
All classroom teachers are certified to work with English Language Learners within their classrooms. In addition, all English Learners are administered the ELPAC Test and participate in a standards aligned English Language Development program.
Student Learner Outcomes

Student Learner Outcomes

Students will become confident, accountable and self-directed learners who can advocate for their own learning through discovery, resilience, transformation, empowerment and community.    
Students will:
1. Be able to evaluate their educational transcript and make a realistic academic plan towards graduation.
2. Have a strengths-based life plan with measurable short and long term goals
3. Respect themselves, others and the sanctity of life itself
4. Use coping skills when faced with life stressors
5. Be able to ask questions, think critically, and work collaboratively
6. Use organizational and executive functioning skills
7. Use technology to develop skills and demonstrate knowledge
8. Be college and career ready by mastery of below skills

English Language Arts and Social Studies



Write well-structured, five paragraph essays that fit the purpose and cite appropriate evidence

Solve multi-step tasks employing the skills of Algebra 1 and higher

Develop a curiosity and respect for living organisms and the Earth

Engage in complex, purposeful and rigorous reading

Construct viable arguments to justify their views

Be environmentally conscious with a personal, local, and global lens

Analyze and review historical events and literature through the lens of social justice and equity

Make sound decisions based upon clear mathematical reasoning

Use inquiry to explore their understanding

Become an active, civically-engaged community member

Be able to articulate and apply the importance of math in a vocational field and in everyday life

Create and adjust models based on results of their inquiry