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Business Services

Business Services

The Business and Administrative Services Department coordinates the services provided by District Business Services, Fiscal Services, Accounting Services and General Services. Under the direction of the Associate Superintendent, the department assists in the development and implementation of policies and provides administrative support to the County Committee on School District Organization.
Business and Administrative Services coordinates the following services:

Business and Administrative Services coordinates the following services:

  • Accounting Support Services: Provides payroll, accounts payable, accounts receivable, ADA reporting and conference and travel reimbursements for the County Office of Education.
  • District Business Services: Provides financial advisory services to the 18 school districts in Contra Costa County and to the Fiscal Services is also the regional coordinator for Medi-Cal Administrative Activities (MAA) reimbursement.
  • District Payroll Services: Provides service, support and assistance in the area of payroll and retirement reporting to 18 school districts, nine charter schools and the community college of Contra Costa County. In addition, this department processes over 150,000 warrants and over 15,000 W-2s annually for 16 school districts.
  • Fiscal Services: Provides all budget and accounting services for the County Office of Education.
  • General Services: Provides facilities planning, construction management, maintenance and operations for the County Office of Education.
  • Technology Services: Provides training, MUNIS financial system support and planning for teachers, staff, schools and districts within Contra Costa County.
  • Medi-Cal Reimbursement Programs: Provides support for both the LEA Billing and MAA programs. These reimbursement programs can support your continued efforts in providing effective and quality health programs for students.


TITLE NAME (click to email) PHONE
Deputy Superintendent Daniela Parasidis (925) 942-3418
Executive Assistant Brenna Fleck (925) 942-3418
Director, Internal Business Services  Andrea Arnold (925) 942-3318
Manager, Internal Business Services Michelle Walton (925) 942-3320
Director,  External Business Services Glenn Pena (925) 942-3411
Director III, General Services Cameron Kirkham (925) 942-3333
Manager, Maintenance and Operations Tam Sugayan (925) 942-3329
Manager, Maintenance, Operations and Projects Tim O'Malley  (925) 942-3354
Manager, Safety Paul Gates (925) 942-3339
Director III, Technology Services David Sanderson (925) 942-3462 
Manager, District Business & District Payroll Services Robin Wood (925) 942-3409
Manager, External Business Services Reema Popli (925) 942-3428
Supervisor, School-based Medi-Cal Programs Michelle Cowart (925) 942-5391
Supervisor, Business Services Jade Moore (925) 942-5370
Supervisor, System Support/Trainer Marie Middleton (925) 942-3412
Network Engineer Scott Carpenter (925) 942-5363