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Contra Costa County Office of Education

Join other leading businesses in recognizing some of Contra Costa County's finest teachers through the popular County Teacher of the Year program.

Thank you for your interest in the Contra Costa County Teacher of the Year program. Our Teacher of the Year program (and gala reception) is truly the only program of its kind in Contra Costa (in all of the East Bay for that matter), where teachers throughout the county are honored and recognized for the amazing work they do every day.
Yes, I am interested in donating!


Sponsor Levels

    • Title Sponsor: $15,000+ (8 complimentary VIP reception and ceremony tickets)
    • Corporate: $14,999 to $10,000 range (6 complimentary VIP reception and ceremony tickets)
    • Visionaries: $9,999 to $5,000 range (4 complimentary VIP reception and ceremony tickets)
    • Benefactors: $4,999 to $1,000 range (2 complimentary VIP reception and ceremony tickets)
    • Sponsors: $999 to $251 range (4 complimentary tickets to the ceremony)
    • Contributors: $250 or below in amount or In-Kind services (2 complimentary tickets to the ceremony)

All contributors who donate are invited to the Teachers of the Year ceremony on Thursday, September 18, 2025. Those who attend the VIP pre-ceremony reception can meet all the teachers being honored.
Your contribution goes directly into classrooms grants and teacher recognitions.
IRS Designation: Tax Identification Number is 94-2675635. CCCOE is a governmental agency.

Our generous donors are:

  • Featured in the Teacher of the Year Celebration ceremony printed program
  • Announced and introduced during the Teacher of the Year reception
  • Included as a sponsor in the ceremony video that is broadcast across the county throughout the year on edTV and available on YouTube
  • Highlighted on the CCCOE Teacher of the Year Donor webpage (
  • Provided thank-you notes from our Teachers of the Year, highlighting what classroom teaching tools and supplies they plan to purchase with their classroom grant
For more information or for other sponsorship opportunities, feel free to email us at or fill out the form below.

Thank You to the Donors of the 2025-2026 Teachers of the Year Celebration

Travis Credit Union logo
Allegro Copy+Print (In-Kind) 
Alten Construction
John Muir Health
Phillips 66