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Contra Costa County Office of Education

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Project ARISE: Elevating Literacy Instruction for All Learners

Project ARISE: Elevating Literacy Instruction for All Learners

Project ARISE, the project name for the Reading Instruction and Intervention (RII) Grant Program, brings together the Contra Costa, Glenn, and San Diego County Offices of Education and five expert content partners to enhance reading instruction for California's diverse learners. This initiative offers free professional learning opportunities, including a variety of online courses and workshops, designed to enhance educators' skills in implementing and leading evidence-based literacy instruction. Participating educators gain strategies to support students with disabilities, multilingual learners, and those experiencing reading difficulties. 
Join us in making a difference! Sign up for our free courses and workshops today, and become part of a community dedicated to improving literacy outcomes for all students. 
Free Online Literacy Courses for California Educators

Free Online Literacy Courses for California Educators

Project ARISE provides free online courses that offer a comprehensive approach to literacy instruction. Courses include:
  • Literacy as Equity (from TNTP)
  • Executive Functions and Literacy (from The Center for Whole-Child Education)
  • Reading Foundational Skills (from TNTP)
  • Comprehension and Knowledge Building (from TNTP)
  • Intensive Intervention and Data-Based Individualization (from the National Center on Intensive Intervention)
Earn graduate units through our partnership with the University of Pacific. Complete all five courses and log additional hours to earn 3 units ($50 per unit). Click HERE for more information.
Enroll in our online courses: Project ARISE
Project ARISE Courses

Learn More About The RII Grant Program

Learn More About The RII Grant Program

Assembly Bill 130, Section 145 (Statutes of 2021) of the Education Omnibus Trailer Bill authorized the Reading Instruction and Intervention (RII) Grant Program to generate and disseminate professional learning opportunities for kindergarten through grade twelve (K–12) educators in the areas of evidence-based literacy, intensive literacy interventions, and support of pupils’ executive functioning skills. Funds are available through 2025–26. Visit the CDE Webpage for more information
Communicate with the Project ARISE team, email us at


Julie Dooley Director 
Michelle Kerwin Project ARISE/CLSD
Jennifer Renner LCRS/CLSD/Project ARISE
Nicole Matthew Project ARISE
Heather Krieg Administrative Assistant