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Contra Costa County Office of Education

Math Teachers in Workshop

We are committed to supporting district leaders, coaches, and classroom teachers in implementing the Common Core State Standards in Mathematics (CCSS-M) in TK-12 classrooms. We provide learning opportunities to improve mathematics education and increase access and equity for all students.
Our services include:
  • Support for customized high-quality Professional Learning.
  • Coaching and Leadership support with CCSS-Mathematics calibration and implementation.
  • Facilitating a CCCOE Mathematics Subcommitteea countywide collaboration with representatives from districts throughout, focused on relevant updates from federal and state agencies and improving teaching and learning.
CCCOE Math YouTube Channel (High-quality standards-aligned online resources to schools, students, and community):
2023 California Mathematics Framework Adopted!

2023 California Mathematics Framework Adopted!

At its meeting on July 12, 2023, the State Board of Education (SBE) adopted the Mathematics Framework for California Public Schools: Kindergarten Through Grade Twelve (Mathematics Framework)
All updated chapters are posted here: 2023 Mathematics Framework Website.
California Collaborative for Learning Acceleration Grant

California Collaborative for Learning Acceleration Grant

The Contra Costa County Office of Education is proud to partner with Santa Clara County Office of Education as a regional hub on the California Collaborative of Learning Acceleration (CCLA) Grant. This project provides free, on-line, self-paced modules of professional learning about learning acceleration. Learning Acceleration is “about building bridges rather than filling holes” and provides student access to current grade-level content, rather than returning them to past content. Courses include an introductory course, and explicit strategies in math, literacy, and language development. Click here to access the free, on-line courses.
To request any of the services that we offer, please reach out using the contact information provided on this page.
Mathematics Subcommittee Meeting Highlights

Mathematics Subcommittee Meeting Highlights

May 7, 2024

A few highlights:
  1. We shared CDE updates regarding the Data Science UC/BOARS decision regarding Algebra II/Math III & CA Math Framework, Curriculum Adoptions, and Professional Learning
  2. Thank you to Mark (West Contra Costa USD) and Carmen (Walnut Creek SD) for sharing their work in curriculum pilots and adoption processes and resources. This is just the beginning!
  3.  We experienced a “Choose Your Own Adventure” jigsaw into CMF Chapters 9, 10, 12, & 13

March 6, 2024 Meeting

  1. Participants had a chance to collaborate with peers on Ch.3 Number Sense and Ch.4 Exploring, Discovering, and Reasoning with and about Mathematics of 2023 CA Mathematics Framework rollout.
  2. Space was offered in breakout rooms to collaborate on implications for professional learning and ideas/resources to support adoption processes.
  3. Resources to engage your sphere of educators in learning about the chapters were shared

January 16, 2024 Meeting

  1. Math Subcommittee members connected and learned alongside our Science Subcommittee peers. We dove into the 2023 CA Mathematics Framework, Chapter 5: Data Science exploring the connections between Data Literacy and Data Science and the practical application and integration into our K-12 classrooms. Slides and resources were offered to support leaders in sharing the learning with educators in their sphere.
  2. Participants shared updates and successes with our professional learning, ideas and options for upcoming adoption processes, and opportunities and needs for support in 2023 CA Mathematics Framework rollout. 

November 8, 2023 Meeting

  1. We elevated our learning and collaboration space to explore “Creating Necessary & Brave Spaces” as opposed to “Safe Spaces” within our spheres and beyond. We discussed learning through a poem called, “Invitation to Create Necessary Spaces” and From Safe Spaces to Brave Spaces excerpt.
  2. Participants shared updates and collaborated on each other’s updates slides to enable some connections between work. We will follow up with any connections we see or colleagues you would like to connect with.
  3. We continued our dive into the 2023 CA Mathematics Framework, reviewing the shifts, Chapter 1, and Chapter 2. Slides and ideas were offered to support leaders in exploring the learning with educators in their sphere.

September 19, 2023 Meeting

  1. Math Subcommittee members connected and learned alongside our Ed Tech Subcommittee peers around AI Tools and impacts on learning spaces. We culminated our time with a call to action to create an education framework for AI within our LEA.
  2. Participants shared updates and successes with our beginning of year work including professional learning, supports for struggling students, opportunities and needs for support in 2023 CA Mathematics Framework rollout and implications for curriculum adoptions.
  3. We began to dive into the 2023 CA Mathematics Framework, reviewing the shifts, summary, and Chapter 1. Slides and ideas were offered to support leaders in supporting the learning with educators in their sphere.
Our Work in Action

Our Work in Action

2019 Summer Institute



Christen Northrop

Christen Northrop

Mathematics Coordinator
Peggy Russell

Peggy Russell

Administrative Assistant