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Contra Costa County Office of Education



The Contra Costa County Office of Education supports districts, coaches and classroom teachers in implementing the Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS) in TK-12 classrooms. CCCOE provides learning opportunities to improve science education for all students. Programs include science workshops, network meetings, and customized programs.
Our services include
  • Facilitating NGSS implementation
  • Supporting content development
  • Developing NGSS units with teacher cohorts
  • Facilitating the CCCOE Science Subcommittee, a countywide collaboration with representatives from districts. 


The main goal of Contra Costa County Office of Education's (CCCOE) Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts, and Mathematics (STEAM) initiative is to engage all students in authentic learning experiences aligned with the California Standards. We strive to support districts with professional learning opportunities, instructional resources and regional collaboration as they develop their own STEAM programs that prepare all students for future careers. 

Redwood trees

Baby Hummingbird




Desert sands

Desert Cave


Climate Change Resources

Climate Change Resources

Assembly Bill 285 passed in 2024 to require the adopted course of study for science for grades 1 to 12 to include an emphasis on the causes and effects of climate change, and methods to mitigate and adapt to climate change.
Sustainable Contra Costa Recording

Learn About Supplementary Instructional Resources
Sustainable Contra Costa Recording



Tracy McManus

Tracy McManus

STEAM Coordinator
Peggy Russell

Peggy Russell

Administrative Assistant