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Contra Costa County Office of Education

Teacher Induction Logo
CLEAR Your CA Credential with CCCOE TIP 

CLEAR Your CA Credential with CCCOE TIP 

The Contra Costa County Office of Education Teacher Induction Program (TIP) is dedicated to providing new teachers with an individualized, authentic, job-embedded, and equity-centered induction experience that is facilitated by highly skilled mentors. 

Experienced educators have the opportunity to deepen their professional practice, develop coaching skills, and scale their impact by becoming a mentor for those newest to the profession.  All of this is in service of moving toward more inclusive and equitable environments and outcomes for students. 

TIP is accredited by the California Commission on Teacher Credentialing. We partner with local districts and agencies throughout California to offer an in-person or fully online professional Teacher Induction Program.

What is Teacher Induction?
Our comprehensive and locally designed Induction program provides a two-year, job-embedded, system of mentoring, support, and professional learning that begins during a teacher's first years of teaching. The program is designed to improve teacher practice as measured by the California Standards for the Teaching Profession (CSTP) and student achievement through intentional goal-setting, inquiry, self-assessment, and reflection. 
Candidates meet weekly with an experienced mentor and create an Individualized Learning Plan (ILP), a road map for professional growth and development. Upon completion of the CCCOE Teacher Induction Program, Candidates are recommended for a California Clear Teaching Credential.  

A one-year Early Completion Option (ECO) is available to Candidates who meet eligibility criteria. 

Who is Eligible?
Teachers holding a Preliminary Multiple, Single Subject, Education Specialist, and/or Level 1 Education Specialist credentials who need to complete teacher induction for their Professional Clear Credential.  Candidates must be teaching a minimum of one course in the area(s) they are authorized to teach as indicated by the preliminary credential. 

What is the Program Fee? 

$2250 per Candidate/per year (plus an additional mentor stipend). 


Title Name Phone
Program Coordinator Nyere da Silva (925) 942-3470
Program Coordinator Charise DeCoito (925) 942-3438
Administrative Assistant Jhoanna Swan (925) 942-3434

More information? 

Please email
The Power of Induction

The Power of Induction