Local Planning Council for Early Care and Education
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The mission of the Contra Costa County Local Planning Council for Early Care and Education is to promote quality child care through community assessment, advocacy, resource development, and collaboration with other organizations.
ASSESS the County's overall child care needs once every five years.
PREPARE countywide child care plan to mobilize public & private resources.
PROMOTE access to quality child care and development services.
COLLABORATE with community organizations & government agencies to provide families the best possible child care options.
DEVELOP priorities for allocation of federal child care grant funds.
SUPPORT training and professional development of child care providers.
The council consists of 20 volunteers appointed jointly by the Contra Costa County Board of Supervisors and the Contra Costa County Superintendent of Schools. Council members equally represent the following categories:
Child Care Providers
Child Care Consumers
Public Agency Representatives
Community Representatives
Discretionary Appointments
The Local Child Care Planning Council (LPC), in partnership with public and private entities, works to improve child care and early education opportunities in Contra Costa County. For more information, contact the Local Planning Council Coordinator at 925-942-3437.
The Contra Costa County LPC consists of a General Board (all members) and the following three sub-committees:
- Inform and connect the public with local, statewide and national resources
Executive and Budget Committee
- Oversee use of funds and monitor compliance with CDE mandates
Workforce Development and Family Partnership Committee
Facilitate the alignment of services and foster collaborative efforts with community partners to elevate professional development opportunities for the workforce.
Ensure that families in Contra Costa are well-informed and confident in their early care and education choices.
- Oversee implementation and distribution of the A Road Map to Kindergarten© Guide; develop a business plan for the project.