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Contra Costa County Office of Education

Use the links below to access helpful resources:
ROP Enrollment 2024

Please email Kham Phaxaypraseuth for questions at 
For any specific needs or support contact your CCR Coordinator (Jeff, Azine or Leslie)
High Quality CTE Program Resources

High Quality CTE Program Resources

High Quality Curriculum and Instruction

  • Curriculum includes CTE Model Curriculum Standards
  • Curriculum is UC "a-g" approved
    • For the UC submission and approval process, go to the Course Management Portal
    • Contact your ROP Principal for assistant
  • Course is part of a CTE pathway
    • Contact your ROP Principal for assistance
    • Contra Costa County CTE Pathway Chart (attachment TK)
  • Instruction is engaging and integrates academics

Career Exploration and Guidance

Pupil Support and Leadership Development

Post-secondary Alignment


Industry and Labor Partnerships

Work-Based Learning (WBL) for Students

Local High-Skill/Wage/Demand Occupations Addressed

Pathways Lead to Certificates, Training, or Employment

CTE Qualified Teachers with Professional Development

Data is Reported

  • Teacher Follow-up Survey

CTE Program is Promoted


Tab 12