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Contra Costa County Office of Education

Assembly Bill 5 (AB5)

Safe and Supportive Schools (2023) requires schools serving 5-12 in California to provide staff training to support LGBTQ+ pupils. It would require LGBTQ+ cultural competency training for teachers and other certificated employees, as specified.  The bill would require each local educational agency to maintain records documenting the training, as provided. The bill would require the department to monitor compliance with the training requirement as part of the departments annual compliance monitoring of state and federal programs. 

Assembly Bill 1078 (AB 1078)

Allows a fine to be assessed on any district that has insufficient instructional materials, especially in an attempt to discriminate against students of color or LGBTQ+ students. 

Senate Bill 760 (SB 760)

All Gender Restrooms (2023) requires all K-12 schools in California to provide appropriate and equitable access to all-gender restrooms for students to use during school hours.
  • This bill requires local educational agencies (LEAS), County Office of Education (COE), and charter schools, maintaining any combination of classes from kindergarten to age 12, inclusive, to provide at least one all-gender restroom for pupil use at each of its schoolsites, as specified. 
  • Require that a decision to use an existing restroom to satisfy the requirements of the bill must ensure that all pupils have restrooms that are in easily accessible locations.
  • What is the timeline? What is the implementation?
    • Requires, by July 1, 2026, for each school site serving students in grade k through 12 that has more than one female restroom and more than one male restroom to provide and maintain at least one all-gender restroom for voluntary student use, as specified. 

Senate Bill 857 (SB 857)

It establishes an advisory task force dedicated to understanding and addressing the unique needs of LGBTQ+ pupils. This initative will help create a more inclusive and supportive educational environment The task force's recommendations can lead to the implementation of policies and initatives that promote the well-being and academic success of LGBTQ+ students. Ultimately, this law aims to ensure that all students, regardless of their sexual orientation or gender identity, have equal access to safe and nurturing learning environment.