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Contra Costa County Office of Education

The following Trauma-Informed Practice tools are available to assist school staff, students, and families.

Safe Spaces: Foundations of Trauma-Informed Practice for Education Care Settings

Safe Spaces is a free, online training designed to help early care providers, TK-12 educators and other school personnel recognize and respond to trauma and stress in children. 

Access Safe Spaces; Foundations of Trauma-Informed Practice for Education Care Settings Here

Trauma-Sensitive Schools Training Implementation Guide

The National Association of School Psychologists have pointed out that trauma informed schools promote: feelings of physical, social, and emotional safety in students. These resources will help you develop a shared understanding among staff about the impact of trauma and adversity of students and staff. 

Access the Trauma-Sensitive Schools Training Implementation Guide Here

Educator-Self Care for Extraordinary Times: A Trauma-Sensitive Guide for Educator Wellness

This toolkit is dedicated to educator wellness, you will learn how to first identify the most crucial areas for you to address in your own wellness. Then, this toolkit will equip you with trauma-sensitive tools that provide targeted support, as well as strategies, that will help you advocate for additional needs. 

Access Educator-Self Care for Extraordinary Times: A Trauma-Sensitive Guide for Educator Wellness 
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