Interagency Agreement

Supporting The Academic Achievement of All Foster Youth
Supporting The Academic Achievement of All Foster Youth![]()
Supporting The Academic Achievement of All Foster Youth
The purpose of the Foster Youth Interagency Agreement is to specify the roles and responsibilities of the county agencies with a stake in the education of foster youth and to establish procedures for the implementation of the law at the local level. The signing agencies include Contra Costa County Local Education Agencies, Contra Costa County Office of Education, Contra Costa County Employment and Human Services (Children and Family Services), Superior Court of California, Contra Costa County Probation Department, Contra Costa County Office of the Public Defender, and CASA of Contra Costa County.
Appendix: Resources and Information
Appendix: Resources and Information![]()
Appendix: Resources and Information
These toolkits, documents and forms support the implementation of the policies described in the Foster Youth Interagency Agreement.
A. Toolkits and Fact Sheets
1. Foster Youth Education Toolkit (Alliance for Children’s Rights)2. Court Companion to the Foster Youth Education Toolkit (Alliance for Children’s Rights)
3. Foster Care Education Fact Sheets (California Foster Youth Education Task Force)
B. Sample Forms and Documents
1. CCCOE/FYSCP/Youth Servicesa. FYSCP Foster Youth Education Rights
b. Best Interest Determination Form
c. Potential School Change/Notice of School Change Form (PSCF)
d. FYSCP Direct Service Waiver
e. Referral Form to Youth Services Programs (WIOA, Workability, DOR)
2. Placing Agencies
a. Sample Agency/Substitute Care Provider Placement Agreement
b. Sample Placement Case Plan (Juvenile Probation)
c. Sample Appraisal/Needs and Services Plan for Short-Term Residential Therapeutic Program (STRTP)
d. Placement Change Notification
e. Sample Health and Education Passport (HEP)
3. Schools/LEAs
a. Sample School Emergency Card
b. Sample Individual Education Program (IEP) Notice
c. Modified Graduation Notification Letter
d. Modified Graduation Academic Review Worksheet
4. Court
a. JV-535 Order Designating Educational Rights Holder
b. Links to JV-535(A) Attachment to Order Designating Educational Rights Holder and JV-536 Local Education Agency Response to JV-535—Appointment of Surrogate Parent
C. General Information
1. Foster Youth Education Rights poster2. Glossary of Terms
3. Sample Forms/Badges
a. County Office of Education (COE)
b. Children & Family Services (CFS)
c. Probation Department
D. Contact Information
1. Foster Youth Executive Advisory Council Roster2. Contra Costa County Foster Youth Liaisons
a. Traditional public schools
b. Charter schools
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