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Contra Costa County Office of Education

Juvenile Hall Auxiliary – The Juvenile Hall Auxiliary offers financial aid to students who were or are in placement under the jurisdiction of the Court in the amounts of at least $300 per quarter or $500 per semester. The money is to be used for post high school education in the academic, vocational, or specialized training fields. We expect our students to commit themselves to a full-time educational program. To continue to qualify for the program each semester, the student must complete a full-time class load and maintain a 2.0 GPA.


CCCBA's Court Scholarship Program – If you are an adult or juvenile currently residing in Contra Costa County who has been through the criminal justice system resulting in a conviction, you may be eligible for our Court Scholarship program. This program provides monetary awards up to $2,500.00 for continued schooling to help you gain the education you need to get ahead.