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Contra Costa County Office of Education

Young students smiling group photo
We are committed to providing support that is focused on strengthening quality, assets-based programs and ensuring the academic success of our multilingual learners. We offer professional development and technical assistance to support LEAs in meeting legal mandates and going beyond. We help build the capacity of leadership and instructional staff to make continuous improvement in providing meaningful access to a relevant and rigorous educational experience aligned to the English Learner Roadmap.
Multilingual Learner Leadership Network Meeting Highlights

Multilingual Learner Leadership Network Meeting Highlights

September 8, 2023

Network Meeting Peaks:
  • Information regarding the new ELPAC Interim Assessments and the upcoming OPTEL tool were shared.
  • Bilingual Coordinator Network state-wide updates were provided.
On the Horizon:
  • New EL Coordinators Network
  • Newcomer Education Community of Practice
  • Secondary ELD Trainers Community of Practice
  • EL Master Plan Community of Practice

December 8, 2023

Network Meeting Peaks:
On the Horizon:

March 1, 2024

Network Meeting Peaks:
On the Horizon:

May 10, 2024

Network Meeting Peaks:
On the Horizon:
Upcoming Professional Learning Opportunities

Upcoming Professional Learning Opportunities

Summer Series flyer with multiple events. Individual flyers under this one. Please hover over each one for additional information specific to events.

Integrated and Designated ELD for Secondary Teachers, grades 6th to 12th, Professional Development June 24th - 25th flyer
Foundational Literacy Skills for Multilingual-English Learner Students, Professional Learning, August 2nd,flyer

Strategies for Elementary Integrated and Designated ELD, Professional development, August 6, 7 and 8 Flyer

Foundational Literacy Skills for Multilingual-English Learner Students, August 12th, Professional Learning Flyer
Multilingual Learner Community of Practice for High School Counselors, Various dates starting in August 2024 through April 2025, flyer
Summer 2024 Dual Language Education Institute, July 1-3, 2024 Flyer