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Contra Costa County Office of Education

People in yellow jumpsuits
Practice and improve your English reading, writing and math skills at three levels
(ESL, Basic & High School). 

Academic component of Pre-apprenticeship Readiness class –
includes math, safety, tools, union information, etc. 

Earn college credit while learning about essential computer processes –
the key to employment success! 

Learn strategies for dealing with personal issues of drug/alcohol addiction,
anger, and personal relationships. 

Workforce Readiness: 
Gain the information, strategies, and employability skills that lead to meaningful

Commitment to Change: 
Gain information that will help you learn to stop and catch your thinking errors
before you act. 

Learn about real-life parenting situations and explore practical solutions such
as positive communication. 

Culinary Arts: 
Learn about the food industry, including food safety, nutrition, baking,
restaurant and tourist services. 

Construction Technology: 
Learn about wood-working tools, skills and safety policies for construction projects.