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Contra Costa County Office of Education

Cover of Parent Guide

Contra Costa County Office of Education (CCCOE) has developed a new online guide entitled, “Substance Use, Mental Health, & Teens: A Guide for Parents & Other Caring Adults,” which focuses on information and resources to protect and care for teens facing substance use and mental health crises.

Created by the agency’s Tobacco Use Prevention Education (TUPE) program, in collaboration with community partners, the resource was inspired by CCCOE Education Champion April Rovero, Founder/ Director of National Coalition Against Prescription Drug Abuse (NCAPDA). The guide is intended to equip adults with the knowledge and resources they need to support young people in their lives to make pro-health decisions.

The Parent Guide is available to view and download in an English and Spanish format below.
SUBSTANCE USE, MENTAL HEALTH, & TEENS: A Guide for Parents & Other Caring Adults

SUBSTANCE USE, MENTAL HEALTH, & TEENS: A Guide for Parents & Other Caring Adults

USO DE SUSTANCIAS, SALUD MENTAL Y ADOLESCENTES: Una Guía para padres y otros adultos cuidadores

USO DE SUSTANCIAS, SALUD MENTAL Y ADOLESCENTES: Una Guía para padres y otros adultos cuidadores



Learn more about school-based tobacco prevention.

Learn more about local efforts to reduce youth access and exposure to tobacco

Kick It California offers free tobacco/vaping quit services for teens and adults. In Contra Costa, dial 2-1-1 for direct quit tobacco referrals.

Contra Costa County MEDS Coalition (prescription drugs)

Request a parent/family presentation.

We want your feedback!  Have you utilized the Parent Guide and/or Conversation Starter Card Deck?  If so, please complete our brief survey.  Thank you.