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Contra Costa County Office of Education

In collaboration with the Contra Costa County Probation Department, our CCCOE Youth Services Empowerment Program provides educational and career services for juvenile justice-involved youth as well as youths at-risk of involvement. Through our collaborative work with Deputy Probation Officers, Social Workers, Public Defenders, and schools, reentry service providers are able to provide in-custody and/or out-of-custody youths with: 
  • Individualized case planning
  • Facilitated referrals and warm hand-offs to COE Workforce Youth Services Specialists
  • Case Management Services
Case Managers help youths navigate the educational system, advocate for school enrollment, and have access to post high school career development services. 
Services Provided

Services Provided

Academic Support

  • Identification of educational needs and goals
  • Identification of barriers to educational success and potential methods for overcoming those
  • Advocacy to ensure proper enrollment in school or access to educational services
  • Assist in facilitation of enrollment, request for transcripts or records, and State minimum credit eligibility screening

Job Exploration Counseling (Career Awareness and Exploration Activities)

  • Provide career and transition assessments to identify interests and goals
  •  Assist in exploration of strengths, interests, and abilities and how those may lead to a job
  • Inform youths of jobs and industries in the local area

Post-Secondary Educational Support

  • Help transition from high school to post-secondary education and/or training
  • Explore career and post-secondary education options
  • Discover post-secondary education resources
  • Assist with application and enrollment processes
  • Identify financial aid options
  • Identify technology needs

Work Readiness Training

  • Train youths on soft skills needed for successful employment, interviewing techniques, resume development, and financial literacy
  • Provide application assistance
  • Teach youths how to search and apply for jobs

Information on Youth Programs and Community Resources

  • Provide youths with brochures, flyers, and other applicable information and resources


  • Provide guidance to develop skills of self-awareness and goal-setting
  • Utilization of available resources and support systems
  • Taking a role in IEP, 504, and other person-centered planning processes


  • Outreach is linked to the mission of reintegration. Methods include home visits, calls, e-mail, and post mail
YSEP flyer
Empowerment Program Contacts

Empowerment Program Contacts

Youth Services Supervisor Lesi Valenzuela (925) 942-3391
Youth Services Specialist I - PUSD Adriel Rodriguez Soto  (925) 942-3490
Youth Services Specialist I - LUHSD  Alicia Franklin  (925) 942-3314
Youth Services Specialist I - WCCUSD Jonathan Gonzalez (925) 942-3444
Youth Services Specialist I - AUSD Luis Serrano (925) 942-5365
Youth Services Specialist I - MDUSD Magdalena Montalvo (925) 942-3362