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Contra Costa County Office of Education

In collaboration with the Department of Rehabilitation (DOR) and CCCOE's Foster Youth Services Coordinator Program (FYSCP), the Youth Services (YS) Department offers enrollment into the Transition Partnership Program (TPP) which provides educational services to student/DOR participants with disabilities.
These services are designed to:
  • Prepare youth with the skills necessary to secure and maintain competitive employment
  • Provide relevant work readiness training
  • Support youth in learning to communicate, negotiate, or assert their interests or desires

Eligible youth will receive the following services:

  • Job Exploration Counseling
  • Work-based Learning Experiences
  • Instruction in Self Advocacy
  • Counseling in Post-Secondary Education
  • Work Readiness Training


  • Must be a current foster youth or justice involved youth
  • Enrolled in and attending high school
  • Have an IEP or 504 Plan
  • Ages 16 - 21

Vocational Rehabilitation (VR) 

This sub-component of the TPP assists DOR participants in preparing for, obtaining and retaining employment. VR employment services are designed to support the participant in achieving successful employment by providing guidance and direction to enhance employability and learn effective job search skills.

Services in this program include:

  • Job search techniques related to vocational goal
  • Mock interviewing
  • Tailored resume development
  • Appropriate grooming and hygiene
  • Self-advocacy
  • Identification of additional support needs on the job


  • Must be a current foster or justice involved youth
  • Students must have been enrolled in WCW or TPP program through YS department
  • Must have an IEP or 504 Plan
  • Ages 16 - 24
Referrals for the TPP must be within two to three years prior to exit from high school. Services are expected to be provided for up to one year post exit but may be extended on a case-by-case basis if the TPP youth is actively participating in employment preparation or job development placement and retention services. 
TPP Flyer 
Transition Partnership Program Contacts

Transition Partnership Program Contacts

 Youth Services Specialist I Andrea Gonzalez (925) 942-5305
 Youth Services Specialist I Leilani Villegas (925) 942-3309