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Student Programs provides direct instructional programs and a variety of support services for students enrolled in CCCOE schools, as well as students throughout the county.  For more information about any of the programs/services provided, click on the topic heading in the column to the left.
  • Adult Correctional Education
  • College and Career Readiness (CTE/ROP)
  • Coordinating Council
  • Court and Community Schools
  • Deaf/Hard of Hearing  Student Services
  • Expulsion Appeals
  • High School Equivalency Testing
  • Interdistrict Transfer Appeals
  • Local Control and Accountability Plan (LCAP) for CCCOE schools
  • School Accountability Report Cards (SARC)
  • County School Attendance Review Board (SARB)
  • Special Education Programs
  • Tobacco Use Prevention Education (TUPE)
  • Youth Services (YS)


TITLE NAME (click to email) PHONE
Senior Director, Student Programs Nick Berger (925) 942-3343
Executive Assistant Dayna Baskerville (925) 942-5306
Director, Student Programs, College and Career Readiness Hilary Dito (925) 942-3368
Director, Student Programs, Special Education Tom Scruggs (925) 942-3361
Director, Student Programs, Court & Community Schools Dr. Nikki Pitcher (925) 942-5308
Director, Youth Services Alejandra Chamberlain (925) 942-3308
SDC Placement