Monthly Themes
Elementary School: – I contribute a lot to my class! I contribute...
Absences can affect the whole classroom if the teacher has to slow down learning to help children catch up.
Too many absent students can affect the whole classroom, creating commotion and slowing down instruction.
Middle and High School: – When you're not in school, your teachers notice because they care and they want you to be successful...
Students who attend school regularly are more likely to graduate and find good jobs. In fact, a high school graduate makes, on average, $1 million more than a dropout over a lifetime.
Elementary School: – Attending school helps me, and my future because...
By the 6th grade, if a student continues to be chronically absent, it is a leading indicator of whether he or she will drop out of high school.
Middle and High School: – Students with good attendance are much more likely to have a successful future.
A student who misses 10 days or more during a school year is 20 percent less likely to graduate from high school and 25 percent less likely to ever enroll in college.
Elementary School: – I don't want to miss school because then I will miss...
Students suffer academically if they miss 10% or more of school days. Students can still fall behind if they miss just a day or two days every few weeks.
Middle and High School: – Missing school makes school harder...
Understandably, students will get sick sometimes and need to stay home. The important thing is to get to school as often as possible to help stay on track with assignments.
Elementary School: – Spring has sprung, school is fun. Be on time.
Being late to school may lead to poor attendance. Attending school regularly and getting there on time helps children feel better about school, and themselves.
Middle and High School: – Be there and be on time...
Being late to school may lead to poor attendance. Attending school regularly and getting there on time helps students feel better about school and themselves.
Elementary School: – Don't miss out, every day counts!
Absences late in the school year can be a sign that a student is losing interest in school, struggling with schoolwork, dealing with a bully, or facing some other potentially serious difficulty.
Middle and High School: – If you are having trouble getting to school, tell someone...
such as a teacher, guidance counselor or your parents. Issues with transportation, bullies, etc. can make it difficult for some students to get to school every day. Many schools offer services for the whole family to help, for example, with issues concerning access to health care and reliable transportation.
Elementary School: – My favorite teacher...
Research shows that the connection between student and teacher is the single biggest factor related to student engagement, achievement, and success!
Middle and High School: – Talk with your teachers and counselors...
School officials want to help students succeed, and those who stay connected with their teachers are more likely to get the help they need.
Elementary School: – Remember, “Every School Day Counts”
Absences can add up quickly. A child is chronically absent if he or she misses just two days every month. Additionally, when children are absent, the state reduces school funding and resources toward pay for teachers and books. We all are negatively affected when a child is not in school.
Middle and High School: – Every Day Counts!
If you think missing a day here or there won't matter, think again. By missing just one day every two weeks, you would be on track to miss 10 percent of the school year – and that can happen before you know it.
Elementary School: – Get off to a good start, “Attend today, achieve for a lifetime!”
Attendance is an important life skill that will help students graduate from college and keep a job.
Middle and High School: – Good attendance will help you to achieve for a lifetime!
Chronic absence can affect your ability to earn a living. Dropouts are less likely to succeed in a career. And even those who do graduate won't do well at work without good attendance habits. Nearly 90 percent of people in prison lack a high school diploma.
Elementary School: – I love going to school because...
A love or learning starts early, build the habit of good attendance early — school success goes hand-in-hand with good attendance.
Middle and High School: – “School is your first and most important job!”
Students who attend school regularly are more likely to graduate and find good jobs. In fact, a high school graduate makes, on average, a million dollars more than a dropout ever a lifetime.
Elementary School: – Going to school is important to me because...
Good attendance is important in kindergarten and first grade because: 1) children learn to read and write in these early grades; 2) reading provides the building blocks to understand math; 3) children learn how to be good students in the early years; and 4) students have fun and make friends when they are in school.
Middle and High School: – Students' attendance in middle school is a predictor of their likelihood to graduate from high school.
Without intervention, three quarters of students who are chronically absent in 6th grade will drop out of high school.
Elementary School: – No empty chairs, we want you there!
For every day of school missed, it takes three days to make up what was taught. Families should avoid extended vacations that require your children to miss school.
Middle and High School: – School only gets harder when you stay at home too much!
Sometimes it's tempting to stay home because you've got too much work or you don't understand what's going on in class. But missing a day only makes it worse.
Elementary School: – Good school attendance equals a good reader.
Research proves that students who are chronically absent in Kindergarten and 1st grade are far less likely to read proficiently by 3rd grade.
Middle and High School: – Skipping school may sound fun, but it can have serious consequences.
Missing school for any reason makes it difficult to keep up with your classmates and could result in fines and loss of driver's license.